On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 11:58:22AM -0500, Vincent L. Mulhollon wrote:
> Perhaps any package can live in unstable, but any package that has a
> release critical bug older than 1 week is zapped from stable and placed back
> in unstable.  Upon next package upload, it will be reinstated into stable.

That wont help very much because the users who have installed the package
will have the buggy version anyway. On the other hand disappearing and
reappearing packages (especially in the stable distribution) will confuse
the users and break dependencies.

Bugs in stable packages are bad, but as long as they are no security related
or data corrupting bugs we have to live with them. For security or data
corrupting bugs we have to use out of band methods for pushing
fixes/warnings anyway. Of course in that case it might be wort to actually
plug the unfixed packages from the distribution to avoid bad
informed/educated usrs to run into a trap.


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