Hi Frans,

On  Sa 16 Feb 2019 17:04:20 CET, Frans Spiesschaert wrote:

Hi Mike (and all other list members),

This is what I propose in an attempt to boost debian-edu-doc
translations, with for the moment a focus on the Buster manual.

As a first step, I suggest to send the following short e-mail to the
known last translators of the partly translated debian-edu-doc-<lang>
packages (i.e. da, es, fr, it, ja, pl, zh, zh_Hant) with their
respective debian-l10n-<lang> mailing lists in CC. Not included here
are de, nb and nl that have proved to be able to keep their respective
translations more or less up to date.


A note on zh and zh_Hant: debian internationalisation uses one list for
Chinese: debian-l10n-chinese. As far as I understand zh represents a
locale code, as also zh_CN and zh_TW do, while zh_Hant represents
Chinese written in traditional script (where Hant is more or less
comparable with a charset indication, if I'm not mistaken) and zh_Hans
Chinese written in simplified script. As far as I know _Hans and _Hant
aren't used in Debian.

Thanks for providing this info.

--------------Draft starts here----------------------

Subject: Call for translation updates for the debian-edu-doc package


You are known as the last translator of the debian-edu-doc package.
With the upcoming Buster release in mind, the DebianEdu team would like
to boost translations. Could you please inform us whether you intend to
work on a translation update in the coming weeks?
Unless you prefer to continue translating all by yourself, we intend to
issue a call for help with the translation of the debian-edu-doc
package to the i10n-list for your language, provided that you are in
favour of such an idea. Please let us know.

Thanks for contributing to Debian Edu.
On behalf of the DebianEdu team,
Mike Gabriel,
Frans Spiesschaert.

--------------Draft ends here----------------------

Sounds good. Go ahead with this one asap. Thanks.

As a second step I suggest to send out, a week later, the following
general call for help on the translation of debian-edu-doc to all
existing debian-i10n-* mailing lists and to debian-i18n, again except
for de, nb and nl and for those lists, of which an existing translator
informed us not to be in favour of it.
A second exception: those lists without a single activity so far in
2019 aren't worth the effort, I suppose.


--------------Draft starts here----------------------

Subject: Call for help on the translation of the debian-edu-doc package


In sync with the upcoming Debian Buster release, the DebianEdu team is
preparing a new release of Debian Edu / Skolelinux. Debian Edu is a
Debian Pure Blend providing an out-of-the box environment of a
completely configured school network. The teachers themselves or their
technical support can roll out a complete multi-user multi-machine
study environment within a few days.

The debian-edu-doc package is an important part of it. It guides even
not that tech savvy school ICT-persons through the setup, the
configuration and the operation of a completely free school ICT-
infrastructure. So please help us out to release the relevant debian-
edu-buster manual in as much languages as possible.

s/as much languages/as many languages/

As shown in the table below translation efforts already exist in
several languages, although some of them could benefit of some extra
love. If you intend to help out with one of these, please try to
coordinate with the other contributors of your language group.

language        translated     fuzzy     untranslated
  da               814         368           173
  de              1355                          
  es               451         256           648
  fr               797         378           180
  it              1247          65            43
  ja               986         208           161
  nb              1291          30            34
  nl              1354           1              
  pl               173          86          1096
  zh               596         152           607
  zh_Hant          140           2          1213

debian-edu-doc is a git maintained package. It's sources can be
retrieved via
g...@salsa.debian.org:debian-edu/debian-edu-doc.git or

If you intend to help out, please contact your relevant localisation
community within Debian (debian-l10n-<your-language-community>) and
send a notification email to the debian-edu mailinglist: debian-edu@lis
ts.debian.org in order to inform us that you joined this translation

Please send updated translations to the debian-edu mailinglist
or as a wishlist bug against the debian-edu-doc package.

Please note that languages nb, pl, zh and zh_Hant use
hosted.weblate.org as their prefered translation tool. If you intend to
help out on one of those languages, please join their communities on

On behalf of the DebianEdu team,
Mike Gabriel,
Frans Spiesschaert.

--------------Draft ends here----------------------

Except from the one grammar flaw above. Very good. Thanks for having drafted these mails and sending them out.

All kind of comments very welcome.

Thanks for your work on this, I think we are good to go and proceed to the first mail to recent translators.


c\o Technik- und Ökologiezentrum Eckernförde
Mike Gabriel, Marienthaler str. 17, 24340 Eckernförde
mobile: +49 (1520) 1976 148
landline: +49 (4354) 8390 139

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