Hi Mike,

This is an initial follow up:

Mike Gabriel schreef op ma 18-02-2019 om 08:42 [+0000]:
> Hi Frans,
> On  Sa 16 Feb 2019 17:04:20 CET, Frans Spiesschaert wrote:
> > Hi Mike (and all other list members),
> > 
> > This is what I propose in an attempt to boost debian-edu-doc
> > translations, with for the moment a focus on the Buster manual.
> > 
> > As a first step, I suggest to send the following short e-mail to
> > the
> > known last translators of the partly translated debian-edu-doc-
> > <lang>
> > packages (i.e. da, es, fr, it, ja, pl, zh, zh_Hant) with their
> > respective debian-l10n-<lang> mailing lists in CC. Not included
> > here
> > are de, nb and nl that have proved to be able to keep their
> > respective
> > translations more or less up to date.
> > --------------Draft starts here----------------------
> > 
> > Subject: Call for translation updates for the debian-edu-doc
> > package
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > You are known as the last translator of the debian-edu-doc package.
> > With the upcoming Buster release in mind, the DebianEdu team would
> > like
> > to boost translations. Could you please inform us whether you
> > intend to
> > work on a translation update in the coming weeks?
> > Unless you prefer to continue translating all by yourself, we
> > intend to
> > issue a call for help with the translation of the debian-edu-doc
> > package to the i10n-list for your language, provided that you are
> > in
> > favour of such an idea. Please let us know.
> > 
> > Thanks for contributing to Debian Edu.
> > On behalf of the DebianEdu team,
> > Mike Gabriel,
> > Frans Spiesschaert.
> > 
> > 
> > --------------Draft ends here----------------------
> Sounds good. Go ahead with this one asap. Thanks.
> Thanks for your work on this, I think we are good to go and proceed
> to  
> the first mail to recent translators.

The above mail has been sent this evening, as planned
(i.e. da, es, fr, it, ja, pl, zh, zh_Hant).

The following email addresses gave a 
Delivery Status Notification (Failure):

Stanisław Krukowski <stdf...@riseup.net> (Polish)
Rafael Ernesto Rivas <tato...@gmail.com> (Spanish)
Victory <victory....@gmail.com> (Japanese)

So I guess that we can provisionally conclude that they are no longer
available for translation work on debian-edu-doc.
Unless someone has a clue for an alternative email address for any of

Kind regards,
Frans Spiesschaert

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