Unless one is reading in digest mode or ...

(see below - I've included everything that my MUA displayed) reading
messages from people who insist on sending useless PGP/GPG signatures to
LISTS as inline attachments. This kills off the list footer function of
most list software by burying the footer in a lower multipart section and
changing the header type to multipart/signed -- most mua's see that and
stop reading at the "signed" inline part. The footer is, by necessity,
added below the last part that was added by the clients MUA so it gets
ignored unless one is looking for it specifically. 

My system wastes so much time going to the net just to tell me there's an
"Untrusted key from xxx" on list messages it isn't funny. And it's REALLY
annoying when a keyserver is "missing" for some reason and my system sits
on a message until gpg times out waiting for the keyserver to respond.

If there's a list that "requires" use of gpg, fine. Something like
debian-security. But for general discussion lists --- why?


On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 22:23:34 +0000 Dave Ewart wrote:

> On Monday, 28.02.2005 at 05:13 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > [unsubscribe]
> Read THIS to unsubscribe.  It only appears at the bottom of *every*
> post:
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact 
> Sheesh.
> Dave.
> -- 
> Dave Ewart - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> All email from me is now digitally signed, key from
> http://www.sungate.co.uk/
> Fingerprint: AEC5 9360 0A35 7F66 66E9 82E4 9E10 6769 CD28 DA92
> [PGP Signature from untrusted key "Dave Ewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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