On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 05:05:42PM -0600, Gerald V. Livingston II wrote:
> <rant>
> (see below - I've included everything that my MUA displayed) reading

Don't blame us because your MUA is broken.

> My system wastes so much time going to the net just to tell me there's an
> "Untrusted key from xxx" on list messages it isn't funny. And it's REALLY
> annoying when a keyserver is "missing" for some reason and my system sits
> on a message until gpg times out waiting for the keyserver to respond.

So configure your MUA not to pick up random keys off the 'net if it's that
much of a problem.

> If there's a list that "requires" use of gpg, fine. Something like
> debian-security. But for general discussion lists --- why?

So that the identity of the poster can be ascertained by anyone who cares to
know.  Precisely the same reason why you might use GPG signatures on

- Matt

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