Sam Tardieu recently orphaned a number of GNAT-related packages.

I've posted ITAs on three of them: adacgi, adasockets and libgtkada.  All
three have new upstream versions (and I need to remind myself what is in
the Debian policy regarding libraries).

I might post ITAs on asis, gnat-glade and gnat-glade-doc.  Less likely, I
might also take up gnat and gnat-doc.  (Oh, and gvd.  Long day.)

Before I go any further, can anyone suggest what might happen to the
current gnat and gnat-doc packages, given that the source package gcc-3.2
includes binaries gnat-3.2, libgnat3.15a and gnat-3.2-doc?

What I'm really after here is some advice on where things might go with
the packages I'm considering.  (I consider myself to be a very new
developer, so I'm trying to tread very carefully indeed!)

Many thanks,


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