"Joel Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Can anyone tell me where I should be looking in the logs, the test suite
> results, or the like, to find out what's causing this? Build
> environment, output logs, .deb files, or just about anything else
> available on request, but I don't want to spam the list with it
> directly.

As a starting point, look at the C++ test suite results. If the
majority of the tests fail, pick an arbitrary test (which fails) and
try to compile it yourself (or create a hello-world-program from
scratch and try to compile that); then try to run it.

If only selected tests fail, you should report which tests, and try to
run an one of those, again.

If you find that the tests fail because libgcc_s.so.1 is not found,
you should tell your system dynamic linker the directory to look for,
or better arrange to place libgcc_s.so.1 into /lib (assuming that this
is the place where system shared libraries are kept).


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