On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 06:21:41AM +0200, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
> "Joel Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Can anyone tell me where I should be looking in the logs, the test suite
> > results, or the like, to find out what's causing this? Build
> > environment, output logs, .deb files, or just about anything else
> > available on request, but I don't want to spam the list with it
> > directly.
> As a starting point, look at the C++ test suite results. If the
> majority of the tests fail, pick an arbitrary test (which fails) and
> try to compile it yourself (or create a hello-world-program from
> scratch and try to compile that); then try to run it.

                === g++ Summary ===

# of expected passes            5176
# of unexpected failures        1114
# of expected failures          977
# of untested testcases         15
# of unsupported tests          3

                === libjava Summary ===

# of expected passes            1153
# of unexpected failures        431
# of expected failures          13
# of untested testcases         522

                === libstdc++-v3 Summary ===

# of expected passes            33
# of unexpected failures        196
# of unsupported tests          6

(other suites appear to have passed within +- a few tests of the GCC 3.0
and 3.1 test suites after full patching)

I suspect that Java *may* be failing due to C++ issues, since I see the
following line near the beginning of the output:

FAIL: linking cxxtest

At the very least, I want to find out what's breaking C++ and nail it
before I worry about the Java side of things.

> If only selected tests fail, you should report which tests, and try to
> run an one of those, again.

I'll consider doing this for the actual failures once things are cleaner;
we hadn't done this, yet, for previous 3.x releases because the port is
still young and we haven't hammered out some of the flaws.

> If you find that the tests fail because libgcc_s.so.1 is not found,
> you should tell your system dynamic linker the directory to look for,
> or better arrange to place libgcc_s.so.1 into /lib (assuming that this
> is the place where system shared libraries are kept).

This is my current suspect, especially because I have some vague
recollections of a comment that NetBSD native may not have libgcc_s.so.1
when using GCC 3.x, or somesuch. Though the gcc test suite seems to work
fine, just not the G++ one - is libgcc_s.so only used for C++?
Joel Baker                           System Administrator - lightbearer.com
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://users.lightbearer.com/lucifer/

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