>...I will ask in the local linux communities for input.

Well the proper way to refer to 12-hour format is "a.m." and "p.m.".

Acording to the "Real Academia Española" (Royal Spanish Academy)
(1)(2) "ante merídiem" (a.m.) and "post merídiem" (p.m.) is the proper
way to use 12-hour format. This applies to all spanish speaking
countries, so this might be used for all spanish locales.

Thanks to Braulio José Solano Rojas for the links.
(1) http://buscon.rae.es/dpdI/SrvltGUIBusDPD?origen=RAE&lema=ante%20mer%EDdiem
(2) http://buscon.rae.es/dpdI/SrvltGUIBusDPD?origen=RAE&lema=post%20mer%EDdiem


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