On Mon, 20 May 2024 at 10:42, Aurelien Jarno <aure...@debian.org> wrote:
> On 2024-05-20 10:38, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote:
> > * Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues <jo...@debian.org> [240520 07:35]:
> > > [..] But maybe it [glibc's postinst] should be doing some
> > > more involved checks about what PID 1 is? It could then make sure to only 
> > > call
> > > systemd telinit if systemd is pid 1. [..]
> >
> > Well, that would probably suck. Putting the knowledge when to call
> > telinit, and a specific telinit, into a ton of different things
> > makes all those things hard to get right, hard to update, the usual.
> On the glibc side, this part has always been a pain to handle (a bit
> less since upstart got removed). And the systemd decision to increase
> the use of dlopen() will make this step even more necessary.
> Therefore I wonder if it could be solved using the trigger mechanism,
> basically glibc saying "I got upgraded" and the packages, being systemd,
> sysv or any other system can then decide what to do instead of
> hardcoding that on the glibc side.
> That would also simplify the chrootless case a bit.

Each package's postinst already needs to do the right thing on
upgrade, so yeah that sounds like a good idea to me.

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