Am 13.06.2013 16:45, schrieb Bill West:
> Johannes Rohr <jorohr <at>> writes:
>> Dear GNOME maintainers,
>> while I do use adblock plus with Iceweasel, it seems a bit arbitrary to 
>> me that the gnome meta package declares a dependency on it. Adblock plus 
>> is not part of the GNOME desktop. In addition, it pulls in  iceweasel 
>> which also isn't. What is the rationale behind this decision?
>> Until now, I had assumed, that the policy regarding Debian's GNOME 
>> desktop was to closely reflect the official GNOME desktop as defined by 
>> upstream. I see that the gnome metapackage is not totally strict on 
>> that, but still, most packages which are not part of the official GNOME 
>> release are suggests or recommends, not depends. Why this exception, for 
>> a package which isn't even based on the GNOME platform?
>> BTW: I do keep on using adblock plus myself, however, there are some who 
>> dislike it since the developer has begun to generate revenues through 
>> paid-for exclusion from the filter lists for some types of ads. 
>> Therefore, as I understand, some people are now using different adblockers.
>> So I would suggest to at least lower the dependency to suggests, if not 
>> to drop it from the dependencies altogether.
>> Thanks,
>> Johannes
> I agree completely with Johannes. I use Debian/Linux because it is not
> Windows and I want to control what is installed on my computer. My opinion
> is that anything that is not strictly required in order to make a package
> work should not be a dependency, only a recommendation. I don't want ads to
> be blocked, I don't want extra code bulking up my tools, and I don't want to
> have to even think about having to disable some functionality that I never
> wanted installed in the first place.

Then don't use the meta packges (they are empty and don't provide any
functionality). Then pick and choose to your liking.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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