On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 08:35:19PM +0200, Tomasz Wegrzanowski wrote:
> but why does bash need `mesg' ?

It's part of your login script (/root/.profile)
> 3)
> I have problems with networking
> There is no eth, only loopback should be used

> showtrans says /servers/socket/2 is /hurd/pfinet -i=rfsd

What shall rfsd be? If this option is not recognised, the translator will
die. Try with 

/hurd/pfinet -i rfsd

at the command line and see if it complains. Try without this option.

settrans /servers/socket/2 /hurd/pfinet
> 4)
> Is there any fatfs translator ?

I am currently writing one! It can already list the root directory and stat
some files, however, it is hopelessly buggy and no files can be read (I/O
error). However, I did only work for a couple of hours on it, so there is

I will make the source public in a couple of days, so people can join me.
(Need to clear it up before this, and attach proper copyright notices).

I only aim at read-only without long file names. Long file names might
follow, but I will not be able to implement write support in the near
future. However, FAT12/16/32 will be supported.


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