Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> FYI the bug that requires that you use the arguments -O none to 
> mke2fs that several people have said is gone is not.

It is gone, I tested today.

My home directory recently ran out of space so I made another 1GB
partition and used mke2fs 1.18 on it like this (under Linux):
  # mke2fs -m0 -L"Max ~kalle/build" -i16384 -o"Hurd" /dev/hda8

Some data from tunefs -l:
  Filesystem revision #:    1 (dynamic)
  Filesystem features:      filetype sparse_super
  Filesystem OS type:       GNU

The Hurd's ext2fs server has no problems with this filesystem.

Then I tested whether serverboot could read it: I copied
boot/servers.boot to the filesystem and gave GNUmach a root=hd0s8
argument from GRUB.  Serverboot then complained that it couldn't
find /dev/hd0s8//hurd/ext2fs.static; this shows that it was able
to read the servers.boot file.

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