Sam Couter wrote: 

> As a native English speaker who's unable to speak more than a few words of
> any other language, I'd just like to say that if you think it's right that
> English become the (defacto or official) universal language, you're out of
> your tree.

As a native Norwegian speaker, who, in addition to my knowledge in
English, can read a bit of Russian, speak a little German, and
understand Swedish and Danish, I would like to know how you suddenly
became the authority on languages  ;)

I admit that saying that everybody should speak English everywhere is
probably a bit excessive (it was mostly a joke), but I still think it
would be a very nice scenario, everybody being able to understand
everyone else, and no need for silly bloat like gettext and friends.

I think I'll shut up now, before I should make a fool out of myself  :)

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