exactly what I was arguing against. My point was that people should
contribute to some central site more than to their own sites.
I can't contribute myself now because I am a newcomer. I could only

The web-hurd list is a good place to discuss this.

Early in the summer, Jim Franklin was active on web-hurd describing changes to the website he was working on, including gathering documentation and bring together the FAQs and their translations, etc.

I did some work as well, but I have not been able to contact him recently. Does anyone know where he went? I don't think his work ever made it into public view. :(

I would be willing to put some time into maintaing the Hurd site, to at least keep it up to date.

This would require write access to the website, however. Patches are not a very good way to maintain sites. How would I go about obtaining this access?


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