>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Bushnell, BSG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Thomas> Emile van Bergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> "When do you think, *in general*, that new directories under /
>> *should* be created?"

Thomas> I think the answer to this question is: When FHS indicates they
Thomas> should be added.

Hmm.  No, I don't think this is particularly helpful since, it seems,
the FHS would only indicate that new directories be added if there is
some reason to create a new directory.  Then applying your answer would
lead to a circular argument.

I think the more useful answer is, "When there's no other reasonable
place to put something."

Of course, if you have a file/set of files that you want to store, it
makes sense to try to put it in some existing directory.  But if it
doesn't really fit in any existing directory, or there's some other
compelling reason that it should not be in any of the existing
directories, it would be reasonable to think about making a new
directory for the file(s).

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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