On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 11:25:55PM +1000, Glenn McGrath wrote:
> > > On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 10:44:26PM +1200, Philip Charles wrote:
> > > > 2.  There is no g++-3.2 - which means that g++ is excluded.
> I tried to compile the latest gcc package, there is a build dependency on
> doxygen, its a real PITA because doxygen needs packages such as
> perl-5.8.0, libqt, libgnome, gs libgimpprint and dozens of other packages
> that dont have packages. Lots of those unbuilt packages depend on
> libstdc++[345]-dev which makes it interesting.

could the gcc-3.2 package be cross-compiled from a linux-i386 box using
gcc-i386-gnu? then the build dependencies would be satisfiable?


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