On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 10:01:38PM +0200, Moritz Schulte wrote:

> > could the gcc-3.2 package be cross-compiled from a linux-i386 box
> > using gcc-i386-gnu?

> I think it's more important to fix this package (since it's quite
> wrong in my eyes if something that fundamental like gcc depends on
> stuff like libgnome/libgimpprint) instead of trying to get it
> compiled somehow in it's current shape.  Nor?

Debian is not tuned for the bootstrap case - Nor, really, should it
be.  Having doxygen produce class documentation for the STL is very
nice - I don't know what the libgimpprint is for.  I does make it hard
to start up, but it's never impossible.

Jeff Bailey

learning from failures is nice in theory...
but in practice, it sucks :)
 - Wolfgang Jaehrling

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