With allowing GNU/Hurd _users_ to _use_ an ssh client.

What exactly prevents them from not using it?  They can download the
random translator and use it, they can use the copying hack.  Nothing
prevents them from not usin ssh.  It also makes them aware that it is
insecrue, adding it hides this fact

   Then remove ext2fs or the GNU Mach kernel, since they are broken.

Without ext2fs the system is completly unusable, without random the
system is quite usable.  Without GNU Mach you don't even have a
working system.

   Then don't use it. But don't impose _your_ views to others.

I am not imposing any views on anyway, you can use the random
translator anyway you like.

   Well, you are the first one to talk and insult people...

I haven't insulted anyone in this discussion.  So unless you want to
make this into a nice big flame, don't insult others.

   I don't care about "secure" random data right now since the system
   usable in a "real life" production computer, but I do care about
   having an ssh client (and server) that works with just an apt-get.

Copy /bin/bash to /dev/urandom then, use the translator, do what ever
you want.  Nobody is stoping you.

Philip came up with an elegant solution to the problem, a small note
explaining what todo.  Philip, maybe adding a link to Marcus random
translator could be a nice idea too?  Or is this to late?

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