
Quoting Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues (2024-05-21 11:50:25)
> In any case, things go much further now. The next problem is some missing
> DPKG_ROOT support in the hurd maintainer script. I opened a merge request
> here:
> https://salsa.debian.org/hurd-team/hurd/-/merge_requests/1

thank you for uploading a new version of the hurd package including these
DPKG_ROOT changes! I just confirmed that these indeed do work as intended and
it is now possible to create minimal hurd tarballs containing kernel and
sysvinit using chrootless mode on linux like this:

mmdebstrap --variant=apt \
--include=passwd,debian-ports-archive-keyring,mmdebstrap,sysvinit-core,sysv-rc \
        --customize-hook='chroot "$1" mmdebstrap \
                --mode=chrootless --arch=hurd-i386 \
                --variant=apt \
                unstable /tmp/chroot.tar \
                "deb http://ftp.ports.debian.org/debian-ports/ unstable main" \
                "deb http://ftp.ports.debian.org/debian-ports/ unreleased 
main"' \
        --customize-hook='copy-out /tmp/chroot.tar .'\
        unstable /dev/null

We could turn these tarballs into an ext4 file system but that would not be
very useful yet, because all the translators would be missing from it. I was
told by Samuel Thibault that since recently, translators are stored in extended
attributes, namely in the gnu.translator xattr. So it should be possible to
mimic what settrans does on Hurd on Linux using setxattr(2) or, in shell,
setfattr(1). Namely, it should be possible to special-case the st() and md()
functions in /usr/lib/hurd/setup-translators, such that the script can be run
on Linux.

To make sure that my settrans replacement on Linux does the right thing, I
wanted to investigate how the extended attribute values look like on Hurd. For
that purpose, I downloaded
and also gnumach.gz, exec.static and ext2fs.static from the same location and
then ran the qemu vm like this:

qemu-system-i386 -nographic -net user,hostfwd=tcp: -net 
nic,model=e1000 \
        -m 1G -kernel gnumach -append 'root=device:hd0s2 console=com0' \
        --initrd './ext2fs.static 
--multiboot-command-line=${kernel-command-line} --host-priv-port=${host-port} 
--device-master-port=${device-port} --exec-server-task=${exec-task} -T typed 
${root} $(task-create) $(task-resume),./exec.static $(exec-task=task-create)' \
        -drive file=debian-hurd-20230608.img,format=raw

I put http://ftp.ports.debian.org/debian-ports/ unstable and unreleased main
into the apt sources.list and upgraded everything to the latest versions. Then
I turned the machine off, mounted the filesystem of the qemu vm and extracted
/boot/gnumach-1.8-486-up.gz, /hurd/exec.static and /hurd/ext2fs.static. I
gunzipped the gnumach kernel and then ran qemu again with the updated files.
Just to be sure, I ran /usr/lib/hurd/setup-translators -K again and powered off
the machine. I then mounted the root filesystem and ran this:

sudo getfattr --dump --match=- /mnt/hurd/*

Unfortunately this came back empty. Should there not be extended attributes

What could I be missing?


cheers, josch

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