
I want to setup a redundant mail system using exim with maildirs.
I thought I use two mail servers (one scsi controller each)
and one scsi raid.

1.    Server1 ---SCSI--- RAID5 ---SCSI--- Server2

or to remove the RAID as a Single Point of Failure: 2 RAIDs and 4 SCSI

              /---SCSI--- RAID5 1 ---SCSI---\
2.    Server1                                 Server2
              \---SCSI--- RAID5 2 ---SCSI---/

In both cases mail is delivered to the users homes into maildirs,
which will reside on the RAID.
Is it possible (case 1) to mount one ext2 partition on two computers at
the same time?
Is it possible (case 2) to run a software raid1 over two partitions (one
on each raid5) from both computers at the same time?

Please let me know, if I'm heading in the wrong direction. The setup
will be for a team with 20 persons, so there won't be too much mail
traffic. The only problem is, I won't be reachable for 2 months, and
therefore the system should run without the need of a sysadmin.
Well, there is another one - I've only 15 days left to set it up.

I also thought about using just 2 computers one harddrive each.
The homes on server one are mounted as /home-remote on server 2 via nfs
and vice versa. Both MTAs should deliver each mail twice (into /home and
/home-remote and the pop3/imap servers serve the mails from /home).
If one computer goes down, the other one would have all the mails.
However I think, this becomes really nasty, when using .forward files.

Any help would make me very happy.


     Florian Friesdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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