On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 03:33:04PM +0100, Nicolas Bouthors wrote:
> Florian Friesdorf said :
>  >> Is it possible (case 1) to mount one ext2 partition on two
>  >> computers at
>  >> the same time?
> No. Mounting may modify the superblock, and confuse the other machine
> suffisently for it to crash and leave the FS in an unexpected state. 

That's a pity :-(

>  >> Well, there is another one - I've only 15 days left to set it up.
> Mmmm. Good luck :-).

Thanks a lot. But with your hints, this has become more achievable.

> I'm doing that kind of stuff here whith DRBD[1] and heartbeat[2]. The
> main
> difference is that we have only one server active at a given time and
> the data is always synchronised.

I just read through the drbd homepage and HOWTO. Sounds very good to me.
Can you recommend it? 
Did anyone experience any strange/bad behaviour using it?

From what I've read, I'm going to try last stable version 0.5.8 and
therefore downgrade to 2.2.x kernels (at the moment I'm running 2.4.x)

> If you have the cash, you can also look for a GFS or OpenGFS[3]
> compatible
> storage hardware. This is the ultimate trick to solve your problem,
> but
> it gets quite expensive...

Mmmm - Well, I think I'll try drbd. 


     Florian Friesdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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