On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 05:12:20AM -0000, D. J. Bernstein wrote:
> Craig Sanders writes:
> > 3. bind zonefiles are human readable.  tinydns-data zonefiles are not.
> Let's try a simple example. I find
>    =bear.heaven.af.mil:
>    @heaven.af.mil:
> much easier to read than
>    bear.heaven.af.mil.   86400 IN A
> 86400 IN PTR bear.heaven.af.mil
>    heaven.af.mil.        86400 IN MX mx.heaven.af.mil
>    mx.heaven.af.mil.     86400 IN A
> and much less error-prone. Don't you?

I had our 50+ million DNS queries/day served from tinydns servers but
the data was slaved from a BIND server. This was because I had about a
dozen or more admins from across the country who do the DNS data
editing, and didn't want to have to mess with upsetting their work

I ended up getting requests from almost every admin to convert to
tinydns format for the "master" zone files. They wanted easy to parse
data files and "split DNS" without duplicating global records in two

tinydns data format is no harder for people to read, it's just people
aren't used to it.
Nate Campi   http://www.campin.net 

"The real question is not whether machines think but whether men do. The
mystery which surrounds a thinking machine already surrounds a thinking
man." - B. F. Skinner, Contingencies of Reinforcement

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