
>> Why change something thats working perfectly ??

Greg .. Yes that's what I was thinking ..  -- but that's what they also said in Nth America 'til the recent blackouts :-(

>> And it has no paralell in security (AGES and AGES better than sendmail)

Alex .. That's what mostly appeals to me over Sendmail.

>> I (and my employer) have picked Sendmail.  We make considerable use of a GPL product called MIMEDefang:

>> Mark .. Thanks I'll check that one out - Hope to see you in Brisbane at the next meeting, we've met there before ( small world hey ! )

I'll probably be sticking with Sendmail. But for sure even though I've not had problems, touch
wood, Security is the only reason I look elsewhere than Sendmail.

Many thanks for your time ..

              • ... Jason Lim
              • ... Hans Spaans
              • ... Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder
              • ... Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder (Careful! What I say *might* be a joke.)
              • ... Hans Spaans
            • ... Craig Sanders
          • ... Craig Sanders
            • ... Jernej Horvat
      • ... Rudi Starcevic
  • ... M. Lucas
  • ... Rudi Starcevic
  • ... Dale E Martin
  • ... Eric Sproul
    • ... Rod Rodolico
    • ... Rudi Starcevic
    • ... Arnt Karlsen
    • ... Alex Borges
    • ... W.D. McKinney
      • ... George Georgalis
    • ... Russell Coker
      • ... Eric Sproul

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