> Am 2004-07-17 14:33:02, schrieb Michelle Konzack:
>>Now I need a new mainboard which reboot after an electricity
>> fail...
>>Can anyone recommend me one ?  -  If possibel with the same CPU and
>>memory (curently I am not rich to buy all three parts new...)
> Forgotten two things:
> 1)  There is no BIOS option wher can I swich it on.
> 2)  I was searching the last three weeks on all Manufacturer
> Websites
>     and have checked more then 300 Mainboards... Now I track down
> when
>     a new mainboard coming out...
>     But it seems that only mainboards expensiver then 100 Euro are
>     suporting this feature...
> Greetings
> Michelle
> --
> Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
> Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
>                    50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
> 0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian
> (irc.icq.com)


I am not sure about the conversion from euro's to USD, but I have an
ASUS A7V600 that supports auto-restart. Caveat: I have not used this
feature. But, I rarely buy motherboards that are over $100 USD, and
I am pretty sure it supports your CPU and memory. Just can't find
the documenation.

I use it as my workstation, which runs SUSE, but I see no reason it
should not run Debian just fine (I believe I had it as my Debian
server at one time, but don't remember for sure). It has been a
stable MB so far.


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