Hello Rod, 

Am 2004-07-17 08:35:43, schrieb Rod Rodolico:

>I am not sure about the conversion from euro's to USD, but I have an
>ASUS A7V600 that supports auto-restart. Caveat: I have not used this

There was someone which has told me, that ASUS Mainboards can 
remember the "Last state bevore power fail". So if the Computer 
was working, it will restart after the Power is back.

>feature. But, I rarely buy motherboards that are over $100 USD, and
>I am pretty sure it supports your CPU and memory. Just can't find
>the documenation.

All 8 "Socket A" mainboards from Gigabyte, Elitegroup and MSI 
are under 50 ¤/US$...


Thanks and nice afternoon/evening

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