On Mon, 21 May 2001 13:46:14 +1000, Jeremy Lunn writes:
>I know this isn't Debian specific.  But I'm just wondering if it's fine
>to route routable IP addresses over non-routable IP addresess.

Yes, although many would consider it bad practice (I am an example), 
 because youŽll face trouble when you have to debug something, and have 
 non-routable IPs on some path.

>So is it just a matter of setting up something like
>/sbin/route -net gw
>on the gateway?

Yes, but you should specify the netmask in 255.x.x.x-notation, route on 
 linux sometimes tends to get classful when facing /-notation...

/ Ing. Robert Waldner |  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  \
\     Xsoft GmbH      | T: +43 1 796 36 36 692 /

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