This .deb archive isn't the Sun JDK -- it's the Blackdown JDK.
The two are similar but not identical.  Jini seems to have a
difficult time with the Blackdown JDK, for example.

-Rod Price

Martin Bertolino wrote:

> For anybody that might be interested. after a Google search for 'sun jdk
> debian' I found the following message (copied below). It references an FTP
> site at Humbolt University that has the debian packages already made for Sun's
> JDK. I got the and installed them last night and they seem to work OK.
> Martin
> --- message follows ---
> Subject: Re: jdk - installation
> From: Michael Mertins ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Date: Thu Nov 16 2000 - 10:02:58 CET
>   a.. sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
>   b.. Next message: Willy Lee: "SB AWE64 configuration problem"
>   c.. Previous message: Marco Antonio Alfonso Vázquez: "unsusbcribe"
>   d.. In reply to: Olaf Foellinger: "Re: jdk - installation"
>   e.. Next in thread: Gregory Guthrie: "monitor resolution only low w/
> Storm/Debian"
>   f.. Reply: Michael Mertins: "Re: jdk - installation"
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> Hi, I'm pretty thankful your advices and tips,
> hadn't thought the HU-Berlin would do jdk-deb-builds on its own... pretty
> nice to study there hu? :)=
> j2sdk1.3_1.3.0-2_i386.deb <- that's the right package i suppose.
> farewell,
> michael
> > Thus spake Michael Mertins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> >
> > > Hi,
> > > I never installed JDK for Linux before, I'm running woody and would
> > like
> > > to do that now since I really need it for the university-stuff here.
> > > Anyone that could help maybe by naming a nice apt-get install
> > package-name
> > > command is welcome as well as people that could tell me what stuff /
> > > opportunities I have to get a running java-compiler maybe even a
> > development
> > > environment...
> >
> > At one can find
> > the latest java package (1.3) as deb.
> >
> > HTH Olaf
> >
> >
> > --
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>   a.. Next message: Willy Lee: "SB AWE64 configuration problem"
>   b.. Previous message: Marco Antonio Alfonso Vázquez: "unsusbcribe"
>   c.. In reply to: Olaf Foellinger: "Re: jdk - installation"
>   d.. Next in thread: Gregory Guthrie: "monitor resolution only low w/
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>   e.. Reply: Michael Mertins: "Re: jdk - installation"
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