
I have created an experimental package of Tomcat 4.0.2 and put it
at http://people.debian.org/~sgybas/tomcat4/

Please test it, read README.Debian (really!) and send me comments and
suggestions for improvements. I'll update the package at the above
address from time to time until it can be uploaded to the official
Debian archives.

- Since Tomcat 4.0 does not need to extract WAR files it can easily run
  under a different userid (default: tomcat4).

- Stand-alone Servlets (previously accessed using /servlet/package.Class)
  are no longer supported by the Debian package - use WebApps instead.

- The package currently uses the included JARs from the
  jakarta-tomcat-connectors project. This means that the package would have
  to go into non-free if I don't change this.

- There's no Apache connector yet. The default configuration file listens for
  WARP connections on port 8008 but the Apache module has not been built
  yet. It will be build from the -connectors package together with the new
  mod_jk (currently built from the Tomcat 3.3 sources). You can enable AJP13
  in server.xml (port conflicts with Tomcat 3.3) and use mod_jk for now.

- The tomcat4-webapps package is also not built yet (it will conflict with
  tomcat 3.3 since it uses the same examples). Use some other webapps to
  test this package.

- I'm thinking of using Xerces 2 (currently in incoming) instead of 1.4.

Stefan Gybas

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