On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Stefan Gybas wrote:

> Adam Heath wrote:
> > EmbeddedManager depends on jmxri.jar.
> Right, from Catalina's build.xml:
>        <exclude name="org/apache/catalina/startup/EmbeddedManager.java"
>         unless="compile.jmx"/>
>        <exclude name="org/apache/catalina/startup/CatalinaManager.java"
>         unless="compile.jmx"/>
>        <exclude name="org/apache/naming/NamingService.java"
>         unless="compile.jmx"/>
> When I compile Tomcat 4.0 with JMX support (from a locally installed JAR,
> which is ok for a package from contrib) will the resulting package work
> without it? JMX seems to be only used during an embedded startup.

Well, maybe move the above excluded classes into their own jar, and then that
jar into it's own deb.  That deb can then have a readme, saying what is
needed.  I could then have my jboss stuff depend on it.

> > note: jmxri.jar is from sun, and is non-free crap.  JBoss upstream has been
> > working at rewriting it to be free, but I do not know how far along that is.
> Looking at recent CVS at least the API seems to be complete, so compiling
> using their classes will would work.

Checking out just the jmx module isn't currently possible.  I've made a
request on their forums for such support.

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