[ Re your suggestions for /usr/share/java/ext: ]

Sure, though I'm curious to know what classes you'd consider worthy for 
inclusion in /usr/share/java/ext, given that they'd AFAICT be augmenting the 
bootstrap classes - there by default and no way to remove them from the 

Anyway, after rereading the archives it seems Ola asked you to submit this as 
a wishlist bug to java-common, so presumably this is the next step you need 
to take if you want /usr/share/java/ext incorporated in java policy.



Ben Burton
Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now listen mate," [to John Browne, Minister of Sport, who was proposing a
110 per cent tax deduction for contributions to a Sports Foundation] "you're
not getting 110 per cent.  You can forget it.  This is a fucking Boulevard
Hotel special, this is.  The trouble is we are dealing with a sports junkie
here [gesturing towards Bob Hawke].  I go out for a piss and they pull this
one on me.  Well that's the last time I leave you two alone. From now on, I'm
sticking to you two like shit to a blanket.
        - Paul Keating, on Bob Hawke

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