Stefan Gybas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel Bonniot wrote:
> > It's best to have both options. Otherwise it forces every package to
> > build-depend on a specific JVM, even though some might work with any
> > JVM.
> That's exactly  the purpose.  A build dependency  for a JVM  should be
> specific, see for the
> reasons.

I admit I do that (call  /usr/bin/java).  I'll do it NO MORE!  It's also
a complain from  dpkg-depcheck!  But I have a  problem with JAVA_HOME...
What  are  the  possible values  of  JAVA_HOME  where  you want  to  use
something different from Blackdown's or Sun's JDK?

It's better to  choose ONE compiler and run the  classes (lib's or else)
with ANY JVM! Is it important  that every packages compile with the same
(not sure but I ask)?

-- Arnaud Vandyck

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