--- Daniel Bonniot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >What interface do you suggest? The discussion her pretty much showed,
> >that you can't rely on anything. This would mean:
> >* -classpath is probably save (-cp already not...)
> >
> I think we should define an interface in the Java policy, then write 
> wrappers for the different compilers, and install the wrappers as the 
> alternative (this is already done for jikes-* at least and for the gij 
> JVM). So we can indeed handle -cp in the wrappers.
> A precise interface should be discussed together. Off my head:
>   -classpath, -cp, -sourcepath, -O, -d, -g, -deprecation

I'd remove a few things from the list, since javac 1.4.2 doesn't support -cp
and javac 1.4.2 doesn't support -O.

> >* setting up rt.jar? in javac or in the calling script? The script
> >  doesn't know the location, so we would be better off with
> >  /usr/lib/java-dev-env, which would be relative easy to maintain.
> >
> rt.jar could be defined by default, but overridable with -bootclasspath 
> (handled in the wrapper if necessary). This matches Sun's javac 
> behaviour, so it should make more existing scripts work out of the box 
> on Debian.

-bootclasspath is somewhat tricky. I'm not sure how to do this with kjc, which
is intergrated into kaffe.

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