Hi Vincent,

Le 03/05/2018 à 23:43, Vincent Privat a écrit :

> Following Emmanuel's request for more manpower in the Java 10/11
> migration I volunteer to help.

Thank you for stepping in!

> I have very little Debian packaging experience so I may ask
> beginner/rookie questions; I hope this is OK.
> I am interested in upgrading icedtea-web to fix #886109 and #894360.

icedtea-web covers browser applets and Java Web Start applications. The
applet part can be scrapped or disabled since it's no longer supported
by current browsers. Oracle is removing JWS from Java 11, but this
technology is still working and worth keeping I think.

> My first question: Is the VCS up-to-date? There's a vcswatch warning
> about that. The changelog I find in Bazaar stops at 1.6.2-1 while the
> current package version is 1.6.2-3.1:
> https://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/vcswatch?package=icedtea-web

I guess Matthias didn't update the VCS unfortunately. Not sure he still
can, the update is two years old :(

Emmanuel Bourg

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