Le 04/05/2018 à 00:09, Vincent Privat a écrit :

> I know :) We (JOSM) are deeply impacted by this sudden removal.
> I'm in touch with Jiri Vanek from Red Hat to see how to improve Windows
> support as well.
> I hope we will succeed to replace JWS by ITW for most of our users.

I also heavily rely on JWS at work. I hope an alternative to JWS
supporting application and Java runtime upgrades will emerge.

> Then I have another rookie question: aren't the binaries built from source?

Yes they are. First you checkout the package (either with "debcheckout"
if the VCS is up to date, or "apt-get source" otherwise) and then run
"debuild" from the source directory fetched.

Regarding the VCS, I'll import the repository to salsa.debian.org.

Emmanuel Bourg

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