On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 8:40 AM, George Kontsevich wrote:

> OpenJFX seems to be available in stable and unstable but has been removed
> from testing. I'd like to use it in conjunction with OpenJDK v8, Clojure and
> Leiningen (which recommends v8). I'm rather new to picking apart Debian
> packages so when looking at the tracker I don't really understand why it's
> gone https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/openjfx

The excuses section says why, in summary it fails to build on some
architectures where it used to build and it introduces 3
release-critical bugs.

Reading through the bugs, it seems maintainers are waiting on the
OpenJDK 11 transition:


> I'm running a `testing` machine - so how would I go about getting OpenJFX?

Add unstable to your sources.list and some apt pinning to keep
everything at the testing version except the things you have from
unstable. The best practices for testing users also recommend adding
experimental to the mix in case you want packages from there and also
automatically pinning security updates from unstable:




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