El dom., 2 sept. 2018 18:03, Osamu Aoki <os...@debian.org> escribió:

> On Sun, Sep 02, 2018 at 07:45:47PM +0530, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> > at bottom :-
> ...
> ...
> > I did couple of commits and have put the same as a merge requests at
> > https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/java-policy/merge_requests/1 just
> > for comparison purposes whether it's good or not.
> >
> > Quite a few questions of the above need answering before the same can
> > be considered somewhat done (for now) .
> I have done XML conversion.
> Please consider doing this too.
>  $ cd faq
>  $ debiandoc2dbk -1 debian-java-faq.sgml
>  $ rm debian-java-faq.sgml
> Now you have DocBook 4.5
> Then you can use the same build set up as the main doc.

The java-policy package should have a copy of the original document (with
no alterations). It should also include a README file to point contributors
to the Salsa repository for the java-faw

Otherwise it will just generate confusion as it will look like we are
managing the same document in two different locations.

Please provide any merge request to the proper repository :

Note: if someone is git-fluent enough to make this work transparently
please propose how to (i.e commits to java-faq git are pushed/merged into
the java-policy git repo)

Best regards


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