
On Mon, Sep 03, 2018 at 10:46:09AM +0530, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> at bottom :-
> and then realized had forgotten to remove the earlier revision
> date/time-stamp which I did.

That's true for policy.  I think we should keep such information so I
added it back in the safe way.
> Please go through the latest revised debian-java-faq.dbk and let me
> know if any more changes are required or got left over .

Well I fixed typos etc. and updated build script. dsssl is too old.

Anyway, VCS-git was totally outdated.  So I uploaded with new URL after
making package buildable.

I don't know which bug to be closed.  So please follow up fixing 
(Which patches are applied and close)

Now you can focus on the content.

With some care we can build PDF or add PO for translation.  But I
strongly suggest to work on the content first.  When you document moving
target things, please organize content for easy update.



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