Le 21/06/2020 à 01:23, Thorsten Glaser a écrit :

> WTF, jakarta-mail?
> I just switched from javax.mail:javax.mail-api 1.4.7 to
> com.sun.mail:javax.mail 1.6.2… and now see both
> com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail and jakarta.mail:jakarta.mail-api
> in versions 1.6.5 and am again confused by the move and by
> which I should use… (I assume they are API-compatible enough
> to javax.mail), do you have any extra info about these?

The 1.6.x line is still the same API, but starting with the upcoming
version 2.0 the javax.mail package becomes jakarta.mail (the structure
of the API remains the same). They've messed a bit with the 1.6.5
release, it uses an artifact named 'jakarta' but the classes are still
in the javax.mail package (probably due to a trademark constraint
following the move to Eclipse).

Emmanuel Bourg

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