Hello and good morning,

do I understand it in a right way?

I patch the entry for the dependency part from javax.validation to
jakarta.vvalidation etc

then I use in maven.rules
s/validation-api/jakarta.validation-api/ * s/.*/debian/ * *

So the import line import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation;
etc. should work.

I will wait till Emmanuel will do a new upload to the NewQueue.

Kind regards


Am 20.06.20 um 20:25 schrieb Thorsten Glaser:
> On Sat, 20 Jun 2020, Mechtilde Stehmann wrote:
>> That is excactly my problem. I installed libbeanvalidation-api-java from
>> my local repo with apt. I get the message that the package
>> javas.validation does not exists as described.
> Yes, because jakarta.validation replaced javax.validation,
> so you have to patch the POM.
> bye,
> //mirabilos

Mechtilde Stehmann
## Debian Developer
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