Hi Markus,

Thank you so much for these clear details!

I will proceed with these steps you outlined.



On 7/9/22 11:42, Markus Koschany wrote:
Hi Sonnie,

Am Freitag, dem 08.07.2022 um 20:35 +0100 schrieb Nkwuda Sunday Cletus:
Hi there.

I am a GSOC intern currently working with Debian Android-tools-team to
package and update Android sdk tools in Debian.

Currently I am attempting to package bundletool (
https://github.com/google/bundletool ), but I am stuck because it
depends on a much more recent version of gradle-plugin-protobuf. I
attempted to update gradle-plugin-protobuf but couldn't. Please your
help will be very appreciated.

Find the details of my attempt and findings here:
I am currently working on a full Gradle update which includes some of the
artifacts like the kotlin-dsl-plugin and should enable us to package a newer
version of gradle-plugin-protobuf in the near future. However one of my
findings is that we should try hard to avoid pulling in even more Gradle
plugins or Gradle related dependencies. I don't think Gradle will ever be a
build system that fits into the Debian ecosystem and the more we make other
packages dependent on it the more problems we will face in the future.

Hence why I suggest you take a different path. A few months ago I have packaged
a new version of libthrift-java which you could use as a template for your own
project. [1]

libthrift-java usually requires Gradle as well. I simplified the packaging by
using our Debian standard tools javahelper and maven-repo-helper.

This should work for bundletool too. Looking at


we should have all the dependencies in Debian already, except of maybe
com.android:zipflinger and com.google.dagger.

Ignore all tests and test dependencies. Just use the src/main directory as your
upstream sources (and additionally archive/com/google/android/archive if this
is required for your project) and try to compile the Java code with jh_build
first. Add all the required dependencies to your CLASSPATH and you should get a
preliminary jar file.

For the code in src/main/proto you will need the protobuf-compiler package
(already in Debian) and possibly libprotobuf2-java (also in Debian but an older
version). gradle-plugin-protobuf is just a wrapper around these tools. It
should be possible to do all this by hand in debian/rules when you call the
protoc command from protobuf-compiler. If you succeed you would get rid of
Gradle completely and dramatically simplify the packaging process for future

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask on this list.



[1] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/libthrift-java

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