Hey Sunday,

I think you still want to try to patch out as much as possible with this package. Gradle builds include lots of things that will never be used by the Debian packaging, like plugins for pushing files to maven repos and generating test coverage reports. There are many java-team packages that do this, here are some quick examples from packaging I've worked on:



Nkwuda Sunday Cletus:
Hi there.

I am a GSOC intern currently working with Debian Android-tools-team to package and update Android sdk tools in Debian.

Currently I am attempting to package bundletool ( https://github.com/google/bundletool ), but I am stuck because it depends on a much more recent version of gradle-plugin-protobuf. I attempted to update gradle-plugin-protobuf but couldn't. Please your help will be very appreciated.

Find the details of my attempt and findings here: https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/-/issues/51



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