> I have some problems with the logout function in kde 2.2.1. When I press 
> logout I starts to log me out but after a while the splash screen apears 
> again, and I'm logged in again?
that's kdm's auto-relogin feature. it should not fire after a clean
logout, but obviously it does. usually that happens, when the x-server
crashes at logout time - for me, recent xfree 4.1 packages seem to do so 
sometimes (i'm using xf's nv driver - that may be relevant).

> Anybody that knows how to resolv this problem?
to work around the problem, you can disable the auto-relogin (in the
login manager setup, tab convenience).

> I have this problem on 3 machines.
whoops ... that's sorta strange ... are they mostly identical?


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