On Wednesday 21 November 2001 11:56 am, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 08:51:57PM +0100, Magnus von Koeller wrote:
> > On Wednesday 21 November 2001 19:50, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > > testing is not meant to be functional at all.  It
> > > is meant as a staging ground for our next release.
> >
> > <quote>
> > testing         -- leading edge, maybe buggy, but working
> > </quote>
> > <src="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2000/debian-devel-200008/msg00
> >906.html"> <this is the announcement of testing, basically>
> >
> > It _IS_ supposed to work.
> and it also says "maybe buggy"
> Ivan

This thread (threat?) is long enough, but I'm STILL gonna add to it!! (Hey

        I've been a Debianite now since HAM (any of you remember THAT release) 
have stayed in the STABLE arena (on my current box) until this last year.
There were a great number of 'enhancements' and new software that was
released that I wanted to run. But it was only packaged for UNSTABLE. I was
bummed, but didn't upgrade until one day, I fubar'd and used the wrong
/etc/apt/sources.list by accident.
        I lost the use of my machine ONCE during all this time I've been on
UNSTABLE. ONCE!! While the other machines I've got running TESTING have been
down NUMEROUS times.
        Yeah, it's damn confusing. Here's what "I" have always used as "my"
definitions when people ask me which one to use.

        STABLE =        no bugs,
                        no bitches,
                        older but reliable packages,
                        good running machine.

        TESTING =       some bugs,
                        a few bitches,
                        newer (fairly reliable( packages,
                        a fairly stable box

        UNSTABLE =      more bugs then a rotting tree,
                        a squatload of bitches,
                        bleeding edge (brand new) packages,
                        if yer lucky your box may boot after an upgrade.

        But, for some reason, we've (the debian community) seen a bit of a 
in the TESTING/UNSTABLE during this work around. I'm NOT bitching!! Just
stating what I've observered.
        I usually keep a couple boxes running, with different releases on them.
        (server = woody, firewall = potatio, my box = unstable)
and this is just to track and use and watch how the distro is growing. (I'm a
tad proud of my Debian group!!)  And again, this is NOT the usual way I see
the distro. Usually 'my box' is a troublesome issue. I'm running UNSTABLE on
it (I like the bleeding edge stuff) and so I'm used to it causing me fits all
the time. Though on this run-thru, it's been my TESTING machines that have
bit me where I sit! :--)  I know this isn't common. I accept it. But the new
folks that have written in, and wondered aloud about it, well, from an older
hand in Debian......."This IS uncommon!". Usually the ranking (bugs, fix
time, etc) runs 1,2,3. Why it's 1, 3, 2 right now, well, I'm willing to bet
it's one of the older, smaller gods just having some fun.
        So, as Ivan and crew have said (time and again), if you want stabilty, 
STABLE. If you want to play and work WITH us on the development, come on up
to TESTING/UNSTABLE. If you want to run the devel stuff, "MY" advice is
UNSTABLE, for the reasons I've mentioned above.

        "Happy Thanksgiving" to the Americans on the list, and "Good coding" to 
rest of you all!



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