
I was wondering what the timetable was for the release of the KDE 3.0
.deb.  You see I'm really concerned you're not taking the timing as
seriously as you should be.

I mean all I hear is how you're hurrying to finish this and that
really worries me.  You see if I knew enough to recover from a hosed
installation of this magnitude I'd be out there rolling my own, not
waiting on you.  If you're spending long hours on this in a crisis
type development atmosphere then you're going to make mistakes and I
just can't take that risk.  When I think of you working late into the
night, straining your relationships with domestic partners, friends,
family, pets and ruining your health with massive doses of caffeine I
get less and less confident about your ability to deliver the quality
of software I've come to expect from Debian.  Heck I imagine a few of
you even have real jobs in no way related to the delivery of free
high end software for my personal use and if the boss is calling
every day asking where you are it is bound to break your
concentration and inevitably mistakes will creep in.

So take your time.  Heck just released this stuff 11 days
ago.  I'm not going to install it for a week or so after the last bug
report anyway so you're saving me time by getting the job done right
the first time.  Step back fellows and look at the big picture.

But you must get letters like this all the time.  Sorry if I'm just
adding a "me too", filling up your inbox, and wasting your time with
a duplicate e-mail.  I searched the archives for similar material
before writing of course but I must have missed it.  Apologies if I
wasted your time.  Now go walk the dog and take the rest of the day
off.  That's an order.  Next time try to think about someone besides

John Purser

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