On Tue, 2002-04-16 at 14:13, Quenten Griffith wrote:
> So is it just me or was not everyone aware that Debian takes long with
> packages
> and you are not going to get them righ away.  If you want that then you
> should
> try Redhat.

According to the kde developers no bug fixes are being done for kde2.
ALL the work (bug fixes etc.) are being done for kde3 which is not all
that different as you have noticed, but for those of us that have
standardized our desktops on kde and like bug free performance it
(unfortunately) means we have to track the kde releases as the kde
developers determine. This is not an attack on the kde developers who
are doing,imho, amazing work, as are the Debian developers. 
Greg C. Madden
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0

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