Though I wouldn't know from experience, by most accounts I've heard KDE 
3.x has several advantages over KDE 2.x, speed and stability being two. Of 
course, the improved eye candy doesn't hurt either (so much for speed! 

You raise some good points. I am quite productive in KDE 2.2.2, but many 
of the applications I am using have moved to KDE 3.x, and as such I don't 
get bug fixes and/or new features since KDE 3 isn't yet in sid. 

I am definitely a non-geek end-user type, with a strong ethical commitment 
to Free software, which is why I turned to Debian in the first place. I 
would love to run LibraNet, but they seem to want to not have users, since 
they don't allow downloads of their latest versions. This seems contrary 
to the spirit of the GPL to me (though it is apparently within the 'letter 
of the law') :-(

I agree that I don't relish going back to RedHat, but it looks to me that 
RH8 may have what I need as an end-user type. But I would certainly miss 


David Pastern Spoke Thusly:
> gnome 1.4 and 2.2 do me just fine, there wasn't a huge lot of extras
> from what i've seen in kde 3 over kde 2.2.  And last time i checked out
> (admittedly a month ago or so) gnome 2 was extremely unstable.  I can't
> justify changing o/s just cos of the version of kde/gnome that it's
> running. What matters is the distribution as a whole package.  I don't
> think i could ever go back to rh/suse/mandrake again :-) I like Debian,
> I like the fact that other users (contrary to my very first post - we'll
> ignore that) are extremely helpful.  And the bonus is i'm having to
> work, to get things working, which means i learn more.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Lindenschmidt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 13 September 2002 10:02 PM
> To:; David Pastern
> Subject: Re: kde 3.* in sid will it ever happen?
> Hear, hear. I'm sad to say that if this (and GNOME 2.x) doesn't happen
> soon, I'll have to switch to another distro, despite how much I
> appreciate Debian.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Spoke Thusly:
> > Is there any light in the tunnel for kde3 being uploaded in Sid some
> > day, some year or so?
> >
> > I might be sounding a bit negative but haven't seen any progress or
> > some sort of status from the maintaineres for some while now...... Is
> > it still the transition to gcc 3.X that slows debians progress to be a
> > useful desktop system?
> >
> > Cheers
> > /Robert

James Lindenschmidt     
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               

random head noise or ...?

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