Am Dienstag, 17. September 2002 18:32 schrieb Matt Reynolds:
> All of this is alot to ask of volunteers, and I understand that.  If I
> need to build tools to help them provide this information, I'll work on
> that.  However, for me (and I think others) to buy into and use
> software, they want this kind of information.  People who want their

Hello Matt,

being a debian developer _and_ user myself, I understand your thoughts,
especially when it comes to communication about package status. As a 
developer you sometimes need to know the status of other packages _your_
package depends on (such as e.g. libqt), the same goes for users wanting to
know about the status of package foobar. There is the BTS but this is only 
tracking bugs, and is sometimes hard to use (some packages have ~100
entries there). Since you are offering help I can make a proposal for a 
system which could propably fill this communication "gap": I think of some 
sort of database, propably a mixture of sourceforge and which 
will provide easy access for developers to put in some information which 
currently is sitting on hundreds of "private" homepages. An example could be
the X strike force. It would be much easier to browse e.g. 

than to search for the XSF-page.

I myself, would like to have a place, where I could just drop a line saying, 
there will be a new version of my muse package when the new upstream version 
0.6 is stable. So users could find this information easily, rather that 
sending me emails asking this question.

I would be glad to hear input from other DD's about this proposal!


Dr. Olaf Stetzer
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Institut für Meterologie und Klimaforschung
Atmosphärische Aerosole (IMK III) -
Tel.: +49(0)7247-82-3249 (FAX: -4332)

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