Paul Cupis said, and I quote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Friday 13 September 2002 15:58, Matt Reynolds wrote:
> > On Fri, 2002-09-13 at 08:32, Paul Cupis wrote:
> > > kde3 will go into sid when the gcc3.2 transiton is over/complete. KDE is
> > > very much a C++-based system and there is little point uploading it using
> > > gcc3.1 and then reuploading/compiling it in X days/weeks when the gcc3.2
> > > transition happens. And it cannot be uploaded now as gcc3.2 becuase the
> > > ftp-masters will not allow gcc3.2 libraries in until the DD's have worked
> > > out how to best deal with gcc3.2.
> > >
> > > I think it is just a matter of being patient, or helping the developers
> > > decide how the gcc3.2 transition is going to happen, so that it can
> > > happen and kde3 can go in.
> > >
> > > I notice that people have stopped asking when X4.2 will be in sid, and
> > > when will be in sid... [and no, I'm not asking now,
> > > either]
> >
> > One of the reasons I haven't complained or queried about X4.2 is that
> > Branden is very good about replying to list complaints, releasing, and
> > publicizing his releases.
> >
> > Visibility and transparency in the packaging process seems to keep the
> > wolves at bay.  While I'm happier with 4.2's packaging, I would still
> > *love* to see dates associated with the actions taken on list(s).  Not a
> > schedule, but just a "here's what we've done so far" timeline.  This
> > keeps everyone on the same page, and could even help remove duplicated
> > effort, IMNSHO.

KDE 3.0.3 is packaged and apart from a KDE 3.0.4 release, the KDE 3.0.x
branch is pretty much finished packaging wise. calc and others are now
working on KDE 3.1 packaging. 

KDE 3.x will be in sid once the GCC transition plan has been worked out
and started. This is kind of out of our hands.

> You do, of course have a good point and I thank you for your feedback. There 
> is already an (under-publicised) kde faq, at 
> though I'm not certain from memory 
> that it has this type of information.
> It is obvious now that it should, and I will work with the maintainer and the 
> debian-kde folk to get that information into the faq. I will probably also 
> see about getting the faq a bit more publicity than the occasional mention 
> here and the references to it on #debian-kde/#debian.
> Thank you,
> Paul Cupis
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David Pashley
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.

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