On Monday 11 November 2002 12:35, Nikita V. Youshchenko wrote:

> > > k3b asks for root password on startup.

Yes, once to run its setup tool.

> > try adding the user(s) to the group (in /etc/group) that owns the
> > device (e.g. (/dev/hdc), and re-login the user(s) for changes to
> > take effect.
> All user permissions on my system are set correctly.
> I am a seasoned sysadmin, after all.

"Polansky's Pointer: If they're absolutely sure it's not there, it's 
probably there." (Gerald M. Weinberg, "More Secrets of Consulting")

The GUI CD-burning apps I know of (cdbakeoven, K3b, koncd, kreatecd) 
don't themselves need special privileges. They are just frontends for 
cdrecord and cdrdao. But these later programs do need root privileges 
or work better if they've got them. K3b is a bit special in this 
regard. It includes a setup tool that needs to be run but once. This 
tool does need root privs, but only once. It sets the permissions of 
cdrecord et al. to 4710, creates a group for cd-burning and adds some 
users to this group. My advice to anyone interested in using K3B on 
debian is, to use this tool for the basic configuration of K3b, but 
*don't* have it change your fstab, groups and permissions. As far as 
groups go, there's cdrom already there on debian. And permission 
changes of packaged files are supposed to be recorded with 

So, even if you're sure that all your permissions and groups are set up 
properly, check out if they're something like this:

-rws--x---    1 root     cdrom      532292 Oct 16 01:58 /usr/bin/cdrdao
-rws--x---    1 root     cdrom      250120 Sep 27 22:42 
-rws--x---    1 root     cdrom      405352 Sep 27 22:42 /usr/bin/mkisofs

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Mar 10  2001 /dev/cdrom -> 
brw-rw----    1 root     cdrom     11,   0 Jun 27  2001 /dev/scd0
crw-rw----    1 root     cdrom     21,   0 Apr  6  2001 /dev/sg0

(Assuming ide-scsi emulation. Note the write permission.)

And, of course, you've got to be a member of group cdrom.

I hope it works out for you.


Michael Schuerig                  If at first you don't succeed...
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]           try, try again.
http://www.schuerig.de/michael/   --Jerome Morrow, "Gattaca"

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